Let’s pretend you’re a St. Augustine personal trainer. You specialize helping local women ages 40 to 60 interested in achieving a fitness goal, like running in the Gate River Run this March.
Now, what if someone shared with you they could introduce you to women who:
- Are age 40 to 60
- Live in the St. Augustine area
- Has expressed interest in running a marathon
Well, I’d like to introduce you to someone who can do all that and more for your business: Facebook.
Facebook Knows How to Connect You to Your Preferred Audience
With over a billion daily users Facebook dominates social media. They also collect every scrap of data it can from each of these users.
They know your gender, education level, income and net worth. They know your birthday, anniversary date and your friends as well.
Your interests are part of Facebook’s database. They know the books, shows and movies you like. They sense when you pause briefly on a video in your news thread. If you mention a topic, they make a note. If you join an interest group, they take interest. They know your home size and value.
They’ve collected your spending habits. Using various data brokers like Epsilon, Acxiom and Datalogix; Facebook can connect your purchases to your profile.
Your life events are available too. Getting married? Got a new job and moving soon? A new baby or grandchild on the way? Facebook records all of it.
Kind of scary, but it’s very useful data for businesses.
When you decide to conduct an ad campaign on Facebook you’re presented with a list of demographic options to narrow your search to that right customer:
- Location (country, state, city, zip code, address, even mile radius)
- Age
- Gender
- Language
- Interests
- Behavior
- Buyer Profiles (clothing, food & drink, health and beauty, etc.)
- Device usage (desktop, tablet, mobile, etc.)
- Connections (individuals who like similar businesses, pages or groups)
Facebook is Getting Very Local
Facebook is working hard to become the local search engine of choice with its users. If you have a Facebook account you’ve probably seen the social network push out to you review requests along with questions about a business you frequent.
This is helping them build better insights on businesses and user behaviors on a hyperlocal level.
That data can be used by you to build awareness/connections with campaigns in your neighborhood.
Budgeting Facebook Advertising
Facebook can be a very cost effective medium to advertise in or very costly.
When starting you’ll want to set a budget using Facebook’s tools. Decide to spend $5 to $20 per day and track results.
In a short period of time you can hone your ad’s message and target audience. Facebook tends to reward businesses who finely tune their campaigns with lower cost clicks and views.
If you’re interested in setting up a Facebook ad campaign in 2017 we’d be happy to help.
Give us a call at (904) 429-4588 and we’ll start discussing how you can use videos to attract customers, increase leads and generate more sales from the local market.